![配资十大平台app “砂糖橘杀手”“冬眠爱好者”“年夜饭厨神”……怎么人人都有春节新身份啊?](/uploads/allimg/250210/102303430101T1.jpg)
从期待过年再到主导过年,乐于追求个性化、多元化过年的Z世代们(1995-2010年出生)配资十大平台app,兴起了一场“我的春节我做主”的潮流。 从“冬眠爱好者”到“步数榜冠军”,从“社交焦虑族”到“春节话术王”,大家在春节期间都化身成了哪些角色呢? Generation Z, known for their enthusiasm in embracing personalized and diverse ways to celebrate the New Year, have dreamt up fun activities like, "New Year's Eve Dinner Master Chefs", "Hibernation Enthusiasts", and "New Year Phobics", ushering in the Spring Festival with unique whimsy. Generation Z, known for their enthusiasm in embracing personalized and diverse ways to celebrate the New Year, have dreamt up fun activities like, "New Year's Eve Dinner Master Chefs", "Hibernation Enthusiasts", and "New Year Phobics", ushering in the Spring Festival with unique whimsy. 展开剩余90%“美食鉴赏家” 凭什么大学生和年货 (special purchases for the Spring Festival)不能呆在一个屋子?大学生固然能吃,但是退一万步来讲,年货就一点错都没有吗! 说到年货,就不得不提砂糖橘(clementine/small tangerine)。过年时,那甜甜的砂糖橘让许多人一尝便欲罢不能。一吃就停不下来。而早在宋 代的年夜饭上,就有一道极具仪式感的果盘,由柏树叶、柿子和橘子组成,取“柏柿橘”的谐音“百事吉”。网友:原来,过年吃橘子的年俗宋朝就有啦,那我今年可得多吃点! Sugar tangerines stand out as an essential New Year item. Dating back to the Song Dynasty, a fruit platter featuring cypress leaves, persimmons, and tangerines graced the New Year's Eve dinner table. Sugar tangerines stand out as an essential New Year item. Dating back to the Song Dynasty, a fruit platter featuring cypress leaves, persimmons, and tangerines graced the New Year's Eve dinner table. 除了水果之外,饺子元宵八宝饭,腊肉烧烤大闸蟹,瓜子花生开心果,咖啡奶茶快乐水,果冻薯片旺旺大礼包……“美食鉴赏家”的一天可是从早到晚忙个不停。 In addition to fruits, delicacies such as dumplings, glutinous rice balls, eight-treasure rice, cured meats, melon seeds, and peanuts turn everyone into "gourmet connoisseurs", relishing delectable New Year treats throughout the day. In addition to fruits, delicacies such as dumplings, glutinous rice balls, eight-treasure rice, cured meats, melon seeds, and peanuts turn everyone into "gourmet connoisseurs", relishing delectable New Year treats throughout the day. 温馨提示:春节期间,就餐时间尽量规律,吃饭时细嚼慢咽,不能过量摄入任何食材,比如专家建议普通人一天摄入车厘子为100~150克,大约10~15颗车厘子。要善待你的肠胃哦! “年夜饭厨神” 不光会吃,有一些年轻人还扛起了制作年夜饭 (Chinese New Year's Eve dinner / reunion dinner)的重担,表示:难不倒我,我还有预制菜 (pre-made food)! “预制菜给年轻一代提供了美味年夜饭的保障。” 一山姆店工作人员表示。在电商平台上,预制菜中最受青睐的是一些半成品家常菜以及松鼠鳜鱼、猪肚鸡、佛跳墙等硬菜。 除了预制菜一党,还有一些年轻人报名了 “年夜饭主题课程”。 Some youngsters have taken charge of preparing the New Year's Eve feast, with ready-made dishes gaining popularity. A supermarket staff member noted, "Pre-made dishes offer the younger generation a guarantee of a scrumptious New Year's Eve meal." Besides pre-made dishes, some have enrolled in culinary classes to master a variety of recipes. Some youngsters have taken charge of preparing the New Year's Eve feast, with ready-made dishes gaining popularity. A supermarket staff member noted, "Pre-made dishes offer the younger generation a guarantee of a scrumptious New Year's Eve meal." Besides pre-made dishes, some have enrolled in culinary classes to master a variety of recipes. 山东聊城,40多个年轻人在青年夜校里学做萝卜丸子、酸辣汤、京酱肉丝、红烧肉等,解锁了各种菜式。烹饪教师杜学峰打算教会他们16道热菜。在他看来,这些美食既是家庭情感的纽带,又体现了各地独特的风土人情,应该被好好传承下去。 温馨提示:做饭不离人!切不可中途离开做别的事情。“炼丹”结束后要做到人走火灭,防止危险发生。 “社交焦虑族” 绞尽脑汁地抢到回家的车票、为了避开春运高峰提前请假、拎着沉重的年货和行李赶路……一路“打怪闯关”回到家,正准备享受长假时,却发现一次面向全体亲戚朋友的“大型年终汇报”开始了。 家庭压力和代沟是“恐年族” (New Year phobia)焦虑的重要成因之一。顾名思义,“恐年族”就是害怕过年的一群人,指的是在春节期间,一些年轻人面对各种社会和家庭压力而产生的心理焦虑和压迫感。 "New Year phobia" is the anxiety some people feel during Chinese New Year. Some young people experience a psychological anxiety during the Spring Festival holiday because of various social and family pressures. "New Year phobia" is the anxiety some people feel during Chinese New Year. Some young people experience a psychological anxiety during the Spring Festival holiday because of various social and family pressures. 在婚育和职业发展等方面,年轻人可能担心无法满足长辈们的期待,而被重压所困;同时价值观和期望上的巨大差异,也会让一些年轻人感到边界被入侵。 Regarding their marriage, childbearing and career, youth may feel overwhelmed by the weight of familial expectations. And the stark contrast in values and expectations between young adults and their parents increases pressure on the youth. Regarding their marriage, childbearing and career, youth may feel overwhelmed by the weight of familial expectations. And the stark contrast in values and expectations between young adults and their parents increases pressure on the youth. 温馨提示:稳住心态,不要慌,适当的沟通“辩论”也能增进感情。 “春节话术王” 与其一味地逃避担心,越来越多的年轻人面对春节期间的“灵魂拷问”摸索出了一套自己的应对方式—— 躲中带刚,怂中带梗,不攻击别人也不内耗自己。 去年春节前,一款名为《决战拜年之巅》的网页小游戏走红。游戏中,玩家向七大姑、八大姨等AI亲戚拜年,面对亲戚们对结婚、工作等话题的讨论,玩家可以自由表达,每种回答将引发亲戚情绪的变化。只有顺利地与每位家人交流结束,才能通关游戏。 图源: 《决战拜年之巅》APP截图 此外, 带宠物返乡“省亲”成了众多年轻人的选择。萌宠们也作为救兵,帮助年轻人在春节战场上“声东击西”,转移社交火力。 温馨提示:对年轻人而言,如何与亲戚相处是一门既古老又现代的学问,他们偶尔会让你难堪,却也会在关键时刻给予温暖和支持。 “冬眠爱好者” 许多年轻人在过年期间彻底放松,“晚上不睡早上不起”。夜晚,他们沉浸在自己的专属时光中,迟迟不愿入睡;到了早上,直到家人呼唤“吃午饭了”,才勉强从被窝里坐起来,爬向餐桌。 饭后,往沙发上一瘫,本想着和家人聊会天,看会电视,却不料再次“断电”,又进入了梦乡。有网友表示, 自己春节期间的MBTI大概是REST(休息者),全天候处于休眠状态。 During the Spring Festival, many young individuals unwind completely, flipping their day-night routines, embracing a "stay up late, wake up late" relaxation mode, essentially remaining in a "hibernationstate" all day long. However, it's crucial to balance sleeping in to avoid squanderingvaluable time. hibernation /ˌhaɪbərˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 冬眠 squander /ˈskwɑːndər/ 浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间等) During the Spring Festival, many young individuals unwind completely, flipping their day-night routines, embracing a "stay up late, wake up late" relaxation mode, essentially remaining in a "hibernationstate" all day long. However, it's crucial to balance sleeping in to avoid squanderingvaluable time. hibernation /ˌhaɪbərˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 冬眠 squander /ˈskwɑːndər/ 浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间等) 温馨提示:睡懒觉要适度,大好时光莫辜负。 “步数榜冠军” 虽然在家守岁、看春晚、吃团圆饭过年仍是大多数人的选择,但也有不少年轻人践行着“只要一家团圆,在哪都是过年”的理念,开启country walk,spring walk,hometown walk模式。 机票太贵,高铁票难抢?不如让退休在家的父母“反向过年”,和 爸妈一起去看看祖国的大好河山、看看世界,既能避开出行高峰期,又能免去走亲访友的社交尴尬。 不想去热门旅游地人挤人?烟火气满满的“返乡深度游”更有性价比。一批常年在外的年轻人不再扎堆旅游,而是选择依照线上攻略,来上一场hometown walk,重新认识下家乡这个 “最熟悉的陌生目的地”。 Numerous young people uphold the belief that "family reunion is the heart of the New Year," taking their parents on holiday trips during the festive season. For those steering clear of bustling tourist spots, they can embark on a "deep hometown tour" guided by online resources, rediscovering their roots as the "most familiar yet unfamiliar place." Numerous young people uphold the belief that "family reunion is the heart of the New Year," taking their parents on holiday trips during the festive season. For those steering clear of bustling tourist spots, they can embark on a "deep hometown tour" guided by online resources, rediscovering their roots as the "most familiar yet unfamiliar place." 温馨提示:道路千万条,安全第一条。 “过年好搭子” “除夕有‘饭搭子’吗?”“蹲一个大年初一逛灯会的‘搭子’!” 秉持着“万物皆可搭”的理念,许多人选择在春节期间找个“过年搭子”,和陌生人“拼”一个春节。 从就地过年到组团旅游,从“e人”到“i人”小团体,无论什么需求的搭子几乎都能在线上找到。 Many seek a "New Year companion" during the Spring Festival, which could mean opting for a local celebration or group travel. Whatever the preference, companions are readily available online. Many seek a "New Year companion" during the Spring Festival, which could mean opting for a local celebration or group travel. Whatever the preference, companions are readily available online. 温馨提示:各位小伙伴寻找搭子的同时也要有风险防范意识,安全第一,切莫轻易相信他人。为避免纠纷,最好签署书面协议,明确责任和费用分摊。出行前向家人朋友报备,并做好危险防范措施。 年轻人的春节创新,看似舍弃掉了部分传统习俗,却守住了辞旧迎新、合家团圆的内核,还将新春佳节的欢乐氛围无限“拉满”,让流传千年的春节文化洋溢出新时代的创意与活力。 你过年期间是什么人设呢?欢迎在评论区分享! 来源:中国日报双语新闻 21世纪英文报 新华网 央视网 央视一套 中国青年报 长沙晚报 上观新闻 九派新闻配资十大平台app 发布于:山西省